
Support the mission of FCA to reach the coaches and student athletes for Christ.


Bedford Night of Impact

Join us for a special night of impact for Bedford County

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This year, we want to help coaches and athletes go from being overwhelmed by the 24/7 demands and pressures of life to learning how to live in the overflow of the joy that can only be found in Jesus. We want to help them reset their perspectives, renew their identities and purpose, be refueled by the joy that comes from the Lord, and be ready to go make disciples.

We know this journey isn't always linear, because life isn't always predictable. But we want to be there, offering coaches and athletes a message of hope and a reminder of how important it is to slow down and find spiritual rest.

We walk through the life of Peter to show his "From...To" story. He was stuck in the 24/7 grind of life and needed a reset but couldn’t stop moving. As a fisherman, he was always working and striving for the next big catch. Peter was in a performance trap and trying to keep up with the world’s expectations.

But in the moment he met Jesus, he had no choice but to be still and listen. Through renewing, refueling and now ready to make disciples, Peter emerged as one of the Church's leaders. Because of his obedience and service the Church expanded. Now we all have access to the Gospel.


When Christ resets my perspective I'm free in Him

Key Scripture: Psalm 46:10

  • Be Still - Exodus 14
  • Be Open - Ephesians 1:17-18
  • Be Free - John 8:36


Through Christ, I have a new identity and purpose in Him

Key Scripture: Ephesians 4:2-24

  • New Life - Acts 3:19-20
  • New Heart - Ezekiel 36:26
  • New Purpose - Mark 12:30


God Refuels me with a joy and hope that overflows into every aspect of my life.

Key Scripture: Ephesians 3:19

  • Fuel up with Prayer - Ephesians 6:18
  • Fuel up with Scripture - Colossians 3:16
  • Fuel up with Community - Acts 2:42


I am ready to go and make disciples out of the overflow of Christ in me.

Key Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 3:12

  • Go Show - Matthew 5:6
  • Go Share - 2 Corinthians 5:20
  • Go Serve - Matthew 28:19-20

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Being a Character coach makes a difference in the lives of students. We have seen this through 5 baptisms of Oakland Football players in 2022. Cameron and Duce, both were raised in church, but decided to give their life to Jesus and take the next step of obedience in baptism. This is why we do what we do; to advance the Kingdom of God. God is good, and wants to use us, but we have to put our yes on the table, especially when it is hard.

Caleb Smith

Character Coach for Oakland Football team

What’s the truth we want coaches and athletes to experience this year?

It’s important that we continue exercising the truth that our identity in Christ is greater than our identity in sports by pursuing Jesus and the calling that He has on our life for this next season. Our prayer is that coaches and athletes will move from a state of uncertainty to a position of confidence as a result of their pursuit of Jesus.

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Ministry Leadership Application!

If you have a desire to volunteer with FCA and serve as a Ministry Leader, please complete our Ministry Leader Application (MLA). You will find the FCA experience to be one of the best investments of your life.
This application must be completed for adult leaders who work with youth under the age of 18. By completing the application, you are only expressing a desire to serve with FCA. It does not mean that you are accepted as a Ministry Leader, because you have completed an application. The local FCA staff and the National FCA office will screen your application.
As a volunteer leader, you will serve under the leadership of the local FCA staff. They will train and equip you to serve Christ through the various FCA Ministries. Thank you for considering a partnership with FCA.

The Four

The Gospel explained in four simple truths. 
The Four

Your Faith Response

If you just made a decision to trust Jesus Christ for the first time or to rededicate your life, please let us know so we can give you some resources to help you grow. TEXT FCA1164 TO 46322

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