Day of Impact

Day of Impact 2024

FCA - Day of Impact

October 21st | NOON & 6PM

Register Here

Join us for the FCA Day of Impact on Monday October 21st at New Vision Baptist Church.  Our FCA Day of Impact is an incredible opportunity to see how God is working in our community and to learn how you can get involved. This year we have a Luncheon and a evening Banquet.

Location: New Vision Baptist Church, 1750 N. Thompson Lane, Murfreesboro

Luncheon Time: 12PM

Dinner Banquet: 6:00 PM

Sponsorship Opportunities
Click on Sponsor Level For More Info

Platinum Sponsor - $5,000

2 Tables of 8, with preferred seating, Recognition in Banquet Program, Your Company logo on the big screen slideshow at the banquet, Recognition on the FCA Facebook page & FCA website, Send 15 athletes to FCA Summer camp, FCA Gift.

Gold Sponsor - $2,500

Table of 8, Recognition in Banquet Program, Your company logo on the big screen slideshow at the Banquet, Send 7 athletes to FCA Summer camp, Recognition on the FCA Facebook Page & FCA Website, FCA Gift

Silver Sponsorship - $1,000

Table of 8, Recognition in Banquet Program, Your company logo on the big screen slideshow at the banquet, Send 3 athletes to FCA Summer camp, FCA Gift

Bronze Sponsorship - $500

Table of 4, Recognition in Banquet Program, , Send 1 athletes to FCA Summer camp, FCA Gift

Item Link

Table Hosts

Table hosts are individuals who pray and recruit others, who might share the FCA Vision, to fill their tables. It will be important for each Table Host to prayerfully consider who they ask to join their table. While this will be a fun-filled night of fellowship and celebration, we want to keep in mind the vision and purpose for the local FCA mission.

* Pray for the event

* Fill a table of 8 (including yourself)

* Let your guest know that a fund appeal will be given

* Email a list of your guests to: before the banquet or sign up here.

Register Now

Title and Food Sponsor

Guest List Form

Please fill out the form with your guests names and bring your donation or mail to us.

Guest List Form - Required

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