Camp Report



Johnson University, Knoxville

As a coach or athlete, it can feel like the hustle and grind never stops. How you spend your “24/7” matters. Jesus is ready to give you the rest and rejuvenation that you need, you just have to slow down enough to receive it. June 24th-27th was just that for 37 local student athletes, coaches, and FCA staff. With 8 different high schools, 3 middle schools, 1 home school, and 1 elementary school represented from Rutherford and Bedford Counties.


Our theme this year is 24/7. We learned how to go from being overwhelmed by the demands of sport, to living from the overflow of hope and joy that comes from Jesus. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Romans 15:13


Each person that attended has come back Ready to take on their journey 24/7 after being able to Reset, Renew, and Refuel at FCA camp. Here is what some of the campers said:


  • My experience at FCA camp was so good. I loved when we worshipped because it was a free place when you can be you and pray and you will always have people that will pray for you and pray with you! I got so close to so many people at camp. You should really go to FCA camp.


  • FCA Camp helped me realize that I can’t really do anything to make me better and I just needed to rely on God. I feel like God is speaking to me about everything I’m going through, saying that it’s gonna be okay and I’m gonna get through it in the end.


  • My experience at FCA camp was wonderful. My huddle leader was amazing! He really helped me understand how much God and Jesus love me and care for me and everything and everyone. This was my 2nd year at FCA and every year it has gotten better and better. All the staff and huddle leaders were awesome, and they were so helpful, and I am so appreciative for them. All the new people that I got to meet and hang out with all my friends that were there. I feel like it got closer to them with God being a really big help. My relationship with God strengthened and I have a better understanding for His word.

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